Dr. O’Brien is leading on the STOREE project (Supporting Transparent and Open Research Engagement and Exchange) with UBC Library, Simon Fraser University (SFU) Library, UBC Learning Exchange and the BC Centre for Substance Use. STOREE is funded by SSHRC and has three major goals: Leverage initiatives to improve access to research for non-academic affiliated people and groups; Design and implement engaging and accessible ways to disseminate research; and support researchers, librarians, literacy educators and community organizations around transparent, reciprocal and accessible research practices and societal participation. Dr. O’Brien is also a member of the Making Research Accessible Initiative (MRAi) Steering Committee led by the UBC Learning Exchange and UBC Library, which recently launched the Downtown Eastside Research Access Portal, an online resource for academic and community-based research about issues affecting the DTES community. As a faculty member in the UBC iSchool, she teaches the Scholarly Communication and Publishing course, which focuses on topics including scholarly publishing, open access, copyright, knowledge exchange, and research impact.